About the course
3.1 The Specialist Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching provides learners with the base skills to apply positive psychology to individuals and organizations.
3.2 In this program, students will learn and understand the various positive psychology modalities, skills, policy development, and approaches for application with both corporate or individual clients.
3.3. The Specialist Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching explores science-based methods of building wellbeing, motivation and performance in organisations.
3.4 Embracing positive psychology in the workplace has the capacity to have a huge impact on the life of an organisation and its staff.
3.5 In this course, learners will develop an understanding of the principles of positive psychology, and gain the skills to apply them in a professional setting - particularly in health, education, business and organisational contexts.
3.6 To graduate, student must successfully complete and demonstrate competency in all of 4 required modules.

Learning Outcomes
4.1 Apply contemporary scientific theories of positive psychology to understand issues of well-being in applied settings.
4.2 Reflect on current trends in positive psychology applications.
4.3 Describe and critique key positive psychological constructs.
4.4 Conceptualise personal and work-related experiences using positive psychological concepts.
4.5 Design a positive psychology program based on existing theory and evidence.
4.6 Apply contemporary evidence on positive psychological interventions.
4.7 Demonstrate key introductory skills of positive psychology coaching.
4.8 Earn a Specialist Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching.
All the modules here can be taken as individual stackable units and it stacks to form a complete qualification. Each module completion will be awarded a "certificate". Each modules taken separately is priced at $1400. Please email us if you wish to take the modules as stackable qualifications.
Applied Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the individual characteristics and environmental conditions that allow human beings to flourish. This course takes an empirical and experiential approach to helping individuals understand and use course content to enhance their lives. Topics covered may include happiness and well-being, positive emotions and thinking, character strengths and virtues, motivation and self-control, resilience and post-traumatic growth, and healthy relationships and institutions.
Applied Counselling Skills
This course focuses on an understanding of counselling and developing practical skills. The importance of counselling for the wellbeing of individuals and society is being increasingly recognised. You will be introduced to the nature of counselling and learn and practice active listening skills such as reflecting, paraphrasing, summarising, and giving feedback.
Applied Coaching Psychology
The course combines practical and theoretical study to not only develop the learner’s professional expertise but also give learner greater self-awareness and understanding. Learners will investigate pragmatically and critically how coaching works in organisations and how it is an important skill for leaders. Learners will review a range of coaching techniques, discussing their relevance and efficacy, and consider pertinent issues that face the contemporary coach.
Applied Person Centered Therapy
Person-Centered Therapy (PCT) is a humanistic theory of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers, and is widely-regarded as a major influence on most modern psychotherapeutic approaches and schools of thought. PCT emphasizes the cultivation of a client’s internal resources through the quality of the therapeutic relationship between therapist and client. In this regard, the PCT therapist is encouraged to assume the three “core conditions” of empathy, congruence, and unconditional positive regard for their client.
Course Delivery Method
Student to Lecturer Ratio
Cost and Installment Plan
Course Mode and Duration
Assessment Methods and Graduation
Delivered via face-to-face lecture in classroom
25 : 1
$3,600 (course fee) + $150 (non-refundable registration fee) + $200 (material fee per module) - Payable over 6 installments over 6 months
Part-Time (6 months), 2 evenings per week @ 4 hours each
Total of 168 in-class contact hours
Class assignment, and class quiz
To graduate, learners must pass all modules

Admissions Requirements
Academic Requirements:
Above the age of 17 years of age, and
Obtained at least a pass (minimum of C6) at GCE O-Levels in any 2 subjects, or
Nitec, Higher Nitec or other qualifications of equivalent level, or
Mature candidates who are at least 30 years old with at least 8 years of working experience.
Language Requirements:
At least a pass (minimum C6) at GCE O-Level English or IELTS 5.5.
Sample Certificate

What can you do with this specialist diploma?
A Specialist Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching in Singapore is a specialized and advanced qualification that equips you with knowledge and skills related to positive psychology and coaching. This unique combination of fields can open up various career opportunities in personal development, coaching, and mental wellness.
The million dollar question: What can you do with this diploma?
Positive Psychology Coach
Life Coach
Wellness Coach
Career Coach
Leadership Coach
Organizational Coach
Personal Development Trainer
Educational Coach
Happiness Consultant
Mental Health and Wellness Consultant
Positive Psychology Researcher
Content Creator or Blogger
Business Owner / Entrep
How much can you make?
We're not going to make any data up. You can visit this link for a more specific salary breakdown for the above professions according to NCSS (Singapore). If you are private practicing, you name your own price but as a mental health worker, if you are good in what you do, payment is typical $50/hr and up.

Optional Practicum
All counselling psychology, psychotherapy or applied psychology coaching course comes with an optional practicum component.
The intention is to enhance the learning of the learners by encouraging the application of actual practice under guidance by experienced mentor to enhance application and competency component.
Upon completing the 'optional practicum' component, learners will be awarded with the following certificate and their contact hours be officially logged.
Requirements for contact hours for practicum:
1. Diploma level - 10 contact hours
2. Advanced diploma level - 20 contact hours
3. Specialist diploma level - 20 contact hours
Additional cost for the optional practicum component:
1. Diploma level - $1000
2. Advanced diploma level - $2000
3. Specialist diploma level - $2000

IPHM UK Accreditation
Nanyang Psychology Academy is accredited by International Practitioner of Holistic Medicine in UK.
IPHM UK Membership Number: IPHMNC13663 | Validity: September 2024.

IAOTH UK Accreditation
This diploma is accredited by International Association of Therapist UK.